Speed Babes / Arsene Obscene Split Cassette
The Speed Babes (Chicago, US): Outhead, Do What You Want I'll Stay Here, B 1 2 Wear Cool Shoes, BLue Yellow Green REd
Arsene Obscene (Nice, France): J'aime Le Courant, Cote Obscur, Charter
A split cassette with Chicago's Speed Babes and France's Arsene Obscene! Both acts crank out short poppy garage tracks, with Speed Babes starting from The Kinks and working towards The Hives, while Arsene starts with The Kinks and then slams into a fuzz pedal at 100kph! They're two great tastes that go great together and you'll be replaying their C10 over and over.
WFBR-019. Edition of 100 black cassettes. Download included.