Anarchists On Dope (A.O.D.) "S/T" LP
Side A: WIJ, A.O.D., Alles Moet Kapot
Side B: I Just Don't Like It Anymore, Alles Moet Kapot (First Edit), Anarchists on Dope (First Edit)
Anarchist on Dope (A.O.D.) started rehearsing around 1980 in the north country-side of Belgium in the small village of Knesselare, and started playing small locals gigs. In 1981 they recorded an ep under a new name : "De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig", meaning "Today's Youth " in the north dialect. The ep was released in 1984 on their own Roadrunner label , first and last one ....
That 3 songs 7" is a rare collector for years now. You can find the songs on the infamous Bloodstains accross Belgium compilations ( vol 1 & 2 ), before that, 3 early demos songs were out under Anarchists on Dope name on the "Allez Crachez" compilation tape, the first release of the legendary Punk Etc label ( Zyklome A , Sexy Bollocks , ...)
Nearly 35 years later, Belgian Waffels is proud to put out all of those songs on a beautiful 12" with a color insert with band story, lyrics and pictures. For the first time we did it in collaboration with Vulle Pulle records, local label coming from the same area as the Anarchists on Dope members.
Prepare your ears for a loud second wave punk that has a unique sound, a sound reminding chaos and anarchy... on dope , be prepared for the blackout !!!! cheers !!!!