Black Monuments "EP" 7"
Side A: Repeated Rejections
Side B: Crawling Down The Street, Not Entertainment
Check out 3/4 members of Lost System's first band.
Three songs of raging synth punk with a touch of hardcore. On the lines of THE SCREAMERS with a touch of early so cal hardcore. Available on white or black vinyl. www.blackmomuments.bandcamp.com
Maximum RockNRoll says:
Perturbed dark wave aggro garage punk synth rumble, SPITS on downers in Michigan rather than sunny California. The songer sounds like he’s gonna lose it. Some of the bands mining this sound now have a real KBD paranoid scum feeling, but this doesn’t- it has a dark post-punk/rock feel that evokes the era of Goths in the garage, exemplified by LOST SOUNDS. I think it’s more “rock” sounding than synth-punk somehow? Angst garage wave? Anyway, this is cool. (LG)