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Mellakka "1984-1986" 3x7" Box Set

Mellakka "1984-1986" 3x7" Box Set


One of the greatest fruits of the early 1980’s Finnish hardcore punk movement was Mellakka and their two 7 inch EPs. Beginning in 1983 in Rauma, Finland, the band released one self-financed EP (Ei…) and then got picked up by Rat Poison Records for the follow-up, Itsenäisyyspäivä. They never succeeded in recording a full length, so three demo tracks done in 1986 are their swan song. All of these recordings are presented here in a new band-approved edition. The first two 7 inches come with reproduced original cover art.

Ei… EP:

1. Ei
2. Oikeus  valita
3. Traditio
4. Ei oikeutta
5. Ei valtaa
6. Tuhoon tuomittu
7. Syyllinen

Itsenäisyyspäivä EP:

1. Kiitollinen kansalainen
2. R.I.P.
3. Musta valtakunta
4. Kirous
5. Itsenäisyyspäivä


1. Totuus II
2. Anti-Kaikki
3. Turhaa taistelua

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