Perverts Again "Friday Night Light" LP
Blockbusted, Longlegger, Get You Out Of College, It's My Life, I Hate Him, A Dollar And A Friend, Two A Days, Cereal Bowl
Lace up your boots and get in line because Perverts Again are back with brand new marching orders, and they've got punks most lovable mascot front and center leading the way. An 8 song study on judgemental video store clerks, sex offenders, high school football, and Billy Joel amongst other subjects. Perverts Again continue in the fine tradition of strange mutated Cleveland punk. Trudging, repetitive, sarcastic, and funny without being overly goofy. Dumb in the smartest imaginable way. Self-described as Eminem fronting Crueslter and if that’s the case they are the best thing to happen to rap-rock since the Judgement Night Soundtrack. 100% TOTAL PUNK!