Detergents "General Public EP" 7"
Side A: General Public, Catastrophe
Side B: Interlude, Under Threat
When considering why a band decides on a certain title track for their record, it's funny that upon further listening you realize it often misrepresents the sound of their other material. When listening to "General Public," you might assume Detergents are a straight up '77-style band, when truly songs like "Catastrophe" are the real rippers. Maybe it's just that the vocals have the same snotty character, but after hearing the "fock-off" that ends the song, there are some definite Partisans vibes going on with this track. This sounds like the backdrop for a bunch of young degenerates stomping their boots and fist-pumpin'. Packaged with a big, catchy riff and comes complete with a just-drums-and-vocals-sing-along chorus. - SORRY STATE LIMITED to 300