Disruptor Issue Five Zine
36 pages, saddle-stitched, 2-color Risograph, 5×8 inches
Disruptor is a biannual publication invested in the exploration of DIY, punk, hardcore, and underground music communities. Through photographic documentation of performers, audiences, spaces, and moments, Disruptor acts as both an investigation and archival collection of imagery. These visual records are paired with transcribed interviews, conducted in-person, over the phone, and online, each dialogue highlighting an individual or group within these subcultures, often working on the periphery to carve out new spaces and explore new musical and artistic ground.
Disruptor Issue Five features new interviews with Los Angeles band Behavior and engineer Mike Kriebel, as well as Suzy Vogenthaler of the Chicago Musical Development Collective. The texts and images in this publication were captured between February and April 2018.
Photos of the following bands:
Side Action
Radiation Risks
Blank Spell
Stiff Love
The Porno Glows
Roy Kinsey
Ritalin OD
Dirty and His Fists
Buck Gooter